Sunday, February 6, 2011

Honesty is the best policy...

Life is a funny thing. Its filled with equal amounts of joy and pain. The highs and lows is enough to make any one feel like they are in a constant state of drunken euphoria. When something good happens you always start thanking God for allowing this to happen. You sing his praises, update you facebook status, and Tweet about your good news. It's when God throws you a curve ball that he is really testing your faith. I had a test this week. We received unexpected news about Justin's health. We do not know as of yet how this will effect the status of the transplant but we hope, no, we PRAY that it will not be drastic. My first reaction was one of sorrow. I cried and I asked God why this now. Just when things seemed to being going up. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that it's not for me to know why God decided to give us this burden. If I was to know all the hows and the whys of life that would make me in control. All I have to do is trust God and stay in his will. I hold on to his promises daily, and I know that he will see us through.

Honestly, I didn't want to share this with you all. I wanted to come and write about the fun aspects of the latter part of this week. How I endured Braylen's fevers and resisted taking him into the emergency room (again) just so they can tell me that he's too young to get this or that medicine (again lol). I wanted to make jokes about how I got to spend time with Jaedyn (Jen's oldest son) on Saturday and watch Despicable me in 2D and still got all of the jokes and loved the movie (I was also going to go on a random tangent about how 3D is not a new concept and I saw my first 3D movie staring Michael Jackson at the age of 4 at Disney World). I wanted to discuss how I just found out that you can get 2 points in the sport of "fooseball" (football to all of you fans out there) if you tackle someone in someone else's in zone when you are not running in the wrong direction or something like that. This was also going to be reason 736 why I don't understand football. This was not learned on my own. It came up during a conversation I was having at a St Jude Superbowl Party Fundraiser. I was then going to get into how much I love St. Jude and how everyone should learn about this wonderful organization and about how no Child should die in the dawn of life (their slogan..

I decided to tell you guys the truth because I think that it's an important part of my journey. Set backs occur. Bad things will happen. Life takes odd turns, but thanks be to God that he did not leave my side. Thank the Lord that he gives me strength to endure through the tears and the fears. I thank him for good friends that pray for me and that give me reality checks. I thank him for an awesome Church Home and a Pastor that promotes healthy life Christian Principles. And I especially thank God everyday for life. As someone reminded me Friday, not everyone woke up to a living Husband.... and I did. That in itself is something to Praise his name for.

So lets raise a glass tonight to being Honest within all of our struggles and to the strength that God gives us every day, every hour, and every second..... Cheers!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I can't live without my....


First let me say that if you don't have friends who have your back you don't have anything at all! I feel beyond blessed to the reactions that my homies have given me. Support is not just for your bras ladies! Having  supportive women in your corner to push you to your highest heights and pull you from your lowest lows is a staple. They can be like a seat belt... A life jacket... a cold slush on a hot day. This is something to thank God.

Today has been a great day! Dropped Braylen off at daycare and he didn't cry! He actually sat at the table expecting breakfast like a big boy. No tears for him means no tears for me :) I then went to breakfast at a cafe I have never been before. Jen decided it would be a good idea to try their 3.99 special. It was amazing! I'm not an egg person and it was the BOMB. To make it taste even better... it was FREE.99. Some kind elderly man decided to pick up our tab. He didn't even come to say hello; just paid and left. Thank God for small blessings right? Oh.. and PE (shameless plug********shameless plug) booked 2 new clients! Not bad for a Monday.

I put a pot roast in the crock pot this morning so I didn't have to cook dinner today. I love pot roast. Justin... not so much, but hey.. he's still going to eat it so I can handle his grumblings.

So for the last 2 months I have been without a dishwasher. Our old one (that we only had for 1 year) died during it's rinse cycle. Since that sad evening my life has been consumed with washing dishes every day... wash wash wash..scrub scrub scrub... BOOOOOOOOO! I never realized how much a dishwasher made my life so easy. Gave me so much more time in my day. Well we got a new one last Thursday. I came home today and was not greeted by a sink full of dishes and a counter full of dirty cups (we Malones are a thirsty bunch to say the least). All I that waited on me was a dishwasher full of clean dishes that I put up while Braylen was enjoying a cup of juice. To make matters even more awesome, Justin remembered to bring me a Reese's Peanut Butter Heart! Chocked full of peanut buttery goodness.

Tonight let's Cheers to Friends and Dishwashers. They both make my life that much more easy and give me a since of stability that a girl can only dream of  :)