Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Where have you been all my life... or 3 weeks?

Hello World!

OMG! It's been 3 weeks! Where has the time gone??? So here is what I have been up too....

Week 1
I was sick. Sick.. Sick.. and Sick... I have a new found relationship with bathroom. I will leave all the horrible details out. But the good news is that I have decided that my bathroom is BOOOORRRING! It needs a complete face lift. Can we say Summer Project?

Week 2
After being sick I lost 10 lbs of sick weight. I knew I would gain most of it back since it was probably just water, but I decided that I should start working out. I can't control a lot of aspects of my life, but I can control my weight. So... with a team of good friends and motivators Project "Fit in them jeans" started. Ok.. we started with Insanity. Let me just say that this is the most appropriately name workout ever! You have to be in shape and insane to put your body through that pain, stress, embarrassment, and HELL! It just wasn't for me (or my workout pals). So after 3 days of being insane, we decided to join a fit club. I LOVE IT! We work out every morning at 5:30AM and alternate between kickboxing and body sculpt. Its great! I also watch what I eat now. I have been cooking everyday for the past 3 weeks. If you know me you know that this is MAJOR! Me... cook... everyday?? No Mickey D's... I have lost 4 pounds to keep me motivated :)

Week 3
I had the pleasure of going out to lunch with none other than P Diddy. And she truly ran the city. I went to lunch with a friend and everyone in this place knew her name, her kids name, and her momma name! This was a buffet lunch at a banquet facility and they were bring us desserts that weren't even on the table! She snapped her little finger and the head cook came running. She complained about the soup and she got a free lunch. It was the best service I ever received at a restaurant! Thank you Diddy. It was awesome. Next time have them make sure my seat is nice and warm before I sit down. I know you can make that happen ;)

This week also was my church decades party. Everyone had to dress up as their favorite decade. This was a blast! I was 50's. Like June Cleaver or Donna Reid. You know you typical house wife. Not far from the truth right lol.

So let's raise a glass and toast to me being back and everyone finding something they can take control of!
Cheers Peeps!


  1. YAY! You're back. Glad you're feeling better. I'm sure you can make your bathroom more entertaining......although, are they supposed to be?!?

    I LOVE Insanity and have been doing it for a little over a month....um, and I've lost 14 lbs. With that and weight watchers I can't go wrong. SO YAY to us for having control over our weight. Keep going!!!! AND I'm so shocked that you have been cooking SO much! WOWZA!

    Well.....I want another update tomorrow. Please and thank you! ;)

    Have a great week! Give the Malone boys a group hug for me. Love you and miss you!

  2. Wow! That was very entertaining especially about that crazy P.Diddy character...who does she think she is? Lol :) That was great and I'm so proud of your healthier lifestyle and excercising, hopefrully I will be able to jump on the bandwagon soon. If I haven't told you, you are an amazing friend and you bring so much Joy and laughter to my life...never a dull moment! Love ya and thanks for being you :)
